BANYUWANGI - Grandmother named, Batin Seminarwati, was found dead in the river flow of Banyuwangi City, East Java. The victim was found by cleaners stuck in the river during heavy rain.

"It is suspected that the victim fell or slipped in the bathroom/clothesline next to the victim's house which is above the river", said Banyuwangi City Police Chief AKP Kusmin when contacted, Wednesday, June 9.

The results of the examination of the victim's body found no signs of violence. The family accepted it as a disaster and refused an autopsy.

Kusmin explained that at first the witness, who was a janitor or street sweeper, wanted to clean up the garbage in the river. At that time in the river a lot of garbage piled up due to heavy rain at night.

The witness saw a figure who was mistaken for a doll. However, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a female corpse. The witness, together with residents and the police, evacuated the body.

The victim was lifted into a body bag and taken to the Blambangan Hospital for identification.

After arriving at the hospital, Ahmad Rianto's son-in-law came to confirm that the victim was his father-in-law. After checking, it turned out that the victim was actually her father-in-law.

Rianto in a statement to the police explained that at around 05.30 WIB, the victim was cooking rice in the kitchen behind the house.

After that, he heard a sound like wood falling into the river behind the victim's house. At first, he didn't care.

After that, Ida checked the victim's room and there was no mother-in-law. Until around 08.15 WIB, the victim's daughter-in-law was notified by the residents through a photo and it was true that the victim was her mother-in-law.

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