JAKARTA - Malaysian Prime Minister (PM) Anwar Ibrahim said Malaysia was willing to cooperate with Indonesia, including sending joint peacekeepers to Gaza, Palestine, if mandated by the United Nations (UN).

"Regarding the humanitarian situation in Palestine, I would like to inform Malaysia's willingness to cooperate, including in the aspect of placing peacekeepers with Indonesia if mandated by the United Nations," said Anwardilan as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 1.

This availability was conveyed in a conversation with Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto by telephone.

Anwar said he had had a three-minute conversation with Prabowo, expressing his gratitude for the smooth operation carried out by the elected president recently.

He also said that praying that during the recovery period, Prabowo would receive good and intensive care and be given a quick recovery so that he could immediately return to carrying out his responsibilities.

Anwar said that he had exchanged views on the latest issues, especially Prabowo's role in representing Indonesia in the international arena recently and bringing vision, collaboration, as well as regional and universal peace.

"I welcome the idea of cooperation in the Malaysia-Indonesia international peacekeeping mission, and the cooperation can be expanded to the ASEAN regional level," said Anwar.

At the end of the conversation, Anwar said he expressed hope that the Indonesian elections ending with the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) on November 27, 2024 could run well and be made easier.

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