JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Control Task Force for West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province stated that there had been an increase in the number of recovered patients, as many as 16 people, one died and 13 new cases.

"The additional number of patients declared cured or finished quarantine today came from Jebus eight people, Parittiga and Kelapa each three, and two people from Tempilang District. The total number of patients recovered to 2,083 people during the pandemic," said a spokesman for the Task Force. Control of COVID-19 in West Bangka Regency, M. Putra Kusuma in Mentok, reported by Antara, Tuesday, June 8.

He added that the number of new cases confirmed today was 13 people from five sub-districts, namely three each from Mentok, Parittiga, and Kelapa sub-districts, and two each from Jebus and Tempilang sub-districts.

With the discovery of 13 new cases, the total number of cases is 2,337 cases and 227 of them are still required to undergo a period of quarantine, treatment, and self-isolation.

"For the case of death, today there is also one case, the patient has the initials Fi (61) from Sungaidaeng Village, Mentok and has been buried in the Kebun Nanas Public Cemetery using the COVID-19 burial procedure," he said.

With the addition of one death case, so far in West Bangka Regency, there have been 27 deaths of residents who previously had been confirmed positive for COVID-19.

A total of 27 cases of death came from Mentok 10 people, Tempilang five people, and each four people from Jebus, Parittiga, and Kelapa District.

Putra added that of the 27 deaths, all patients who died had comorbidities.

"We still recommend that people obey and be disciplined in carrying out health protocols to minimize the risk of transmitting the virus, at least use masks properly and correctly when doing activities outside the home," he said.

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