JAKARTA - New Student Admission Registration (PPDB) for West Java (Jabar) High School/SMK/SLB 2021 has been opened.

Head of the West Java Education Office (Kadisdik), Dedi Supandi, said the first phase of the 2021 PPDB had been opened from 7-11 June 2021.

"To all people in West Java whose sons/daughters want to enter SMA/SMK/SLB, please register according to the desired path. Hopefully, all children in West Java can go to school. In accordance with the PPDB 2021 tagline, 'School is the same everywhere'," explained Dedi as quoted from the West Java Education Office Instagram, @disdikjabar.

Dedi ensured that facing the new academic year 2021/2022 in July 2021, all children in West Java will have the right to study safely and healthily. "At the same time, we plan to hold face-to-face learning activities in July," said Dedi.

He advised parents and prospective new students to register at the destination school according to the path provided. "Information and outreach have been carried out. The rules have been made transparently and fairly, please register according to the available path conditions and zoning," he said.

It should be noted that the West Java PPDB 2021 will be held in two stages. Meanwhile, the second phase will start on June 25-1 July 2021

West Java PPDB 2021 registrants can access the link https://pendaftar.ppdb.disdik.jabarprov.go.id/login to register. The link is open from 8 am to 8 pm.

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