SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government has prepared strict sanctions for residents in 18 flats (rusun) who refuse to undergo swab tests and COVID-19 vaccinations. Sanctions for those who refuse will be asked to lift their suitcases or are prohibited from living in flats.

"If they don't want to be swabbed, they don't want a vaccine, they can't live in the flats," said Head of the Surabaya City Health Office, Febria Rachmanita, in Surabaya, Wednesday, June 2.

Febria said Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi targeted mass PCR swabs in 18 flats to be completed this week. This was done as an effort to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19, following the presence of around 50 residents of the flats who were positive for COVID-19.

"Moreover, the distance between rooms in the Rusunawa is very close and inhabited by many people. So it is mandatory to vaccinate to avoid the transmission of COVID-19," he said.

Apart from the residents of the flats, continued Febria, mass vaccinations and swabs also targeted several community groups. Such as people with disabilities, low-income people (MBR), and people with mental disorders (ODGJ).

"As for human resources for elementary and junior high school education in Surabaya, vaccination has reached 100 percent," he said.

Previously, after the Lebaran holiday, the Surabaya City Government held a mass swab for residents of 18 Rusunawa in Surabaya. From a total of 10,240 flat residents who took the swab, around 50 people tested positive.

According to Febria, on average, the residents of these positive flats admitted to having traveled out of town, and they only arrived in Surabaya around D+5 after the Eid holiday.

"For the occupants of the flats who are positive, they are isolated at the Haji Dormitory Hotel in Surabaya. Meanwhile, for 18 locations of the Rusunawa, sterilization has been carried out," he said

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