Not Only Homecomers, The COVID-19 Test Should Also Be Carried Out On People Who Are Going To Tourist Sites
Illustration (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Netty Prasetiyani Aher reminded the government to be aware of the potential spike in cases after Eid al-Fitr.

The reason is, even though there is a policy prohibiting Eid homecoming, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) notes that the number of homecomers during Eid al-Fitr 2021 is still 1.5 million people.

"The government's ban on Eid homecoming has not been effective. Millions of people have continued to perform homecoming ahead of Eid. Moreover, from random tests conducted on homecomers, a significant proportion of positive cases were found", Netty told reporters, Wednesday, May 19.

Apart from Eid homecoming, said Netty, the potential spike in COVID-19 cases was also strengthened by the fact that there was an increase in visitors to a number of tourist attractions during the Eid holiday. According to her, the limitation of capacity has not been able to contain the enthusiasm of the community for traveling.

"The officers were also overwhelmed and unable to maintain the implementation of the health protocols, so what happened was a crowd that was worse than Eid homecoming. This should be a note for the government to prepare the worst scenario", said the deputy chairman of the PKS Party faction of the DPR RI.

Therefore, according to Netty, the government needs to increase the implementation of the COVID-19 test. Especially for people who return to the city after going home and who go on tours.

"Increase the COVID-19 test for those who return from homecoming and traveling carefully. Those who test positive must be subjected to strict isolation and monitoring", said Netty.

"The tracking should not only be for those who perform homecoming, but also for those who are proven to have traveled to places that have overcapacity", she added.

In addition, said Netty, the government must also prepare health infrastructure and human resources with the worst scenario so that Indonesia does not end up like the 'tsunami' COVID-19 case in India.

"For example, about our health system and facilities, is it ready or not? The beds and ICU rooms at the hospital must be added so that we are better prepared in case of a spike in cases. Do not let us be like India whose cases jumped after religious celebrations", she said.

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