JAKARTA - Head Of Jaya Military Area Information, Colonel Arh Herwin BS confirmed that the viral video of a national army being surrounded by dozens of debt collectors is a member of Village Guidance Officer Second Sergeant Nurhadi. They will seize the car driven by Nurhadi.

Herwin BS also criticized this action. Because Nurhadi was providing help to residents because he was sick. However, dozens of debt collectors paid no heed.

"The National Army units, especially the Jaya District Military Command, do not tolerate the treatment of debt collectors who arrogantly take the vehicle driven by Second Sergeant Nurhadi as Village Guidance Officer, who will help sick people and need help to be treated at the hospital," said Head Of Jaya Military Area Information Colonel Arh Herwin BS in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Saturday, May 9.

According to him, the actions of these debt collectors could be charged/subjected to Article 365 of the Criminal Procedure Code regarding the theft by force as a weighting against the article of ordinary theft, as referred to in Article 362 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

Herwin explained that the Honda Mobilio driven by Serda Nurhadi did not belong to him. But just want to help the car owner's family who is sick. Nurhadi is a Village Guidance Officer of Ramil Semper Timur II/05 District Military Command (Kodim) 0502/North Jakarta.

This incident began on Thursday, May 6 at around 14.00 western Indonesia time, Second Sergeant Nurhadi who was at the Semper Timur Urban Village Office received a report from a PPSU member who saw a vehicle being surrounded by approximately 10 people, causing congestion.

Then in the car, there were small children and a sick person, as well as the car owner's uncle and aunt, so Second Sergeant Nurhadi took the initiative to take over the wheel of the car to take them to the hospital via the Koja Barat toll road.

But on the way, the debt collection group still surrounded the car. So Second Sergeant Nurhadi switched to taking the car to the North Jakarta Metro Police because he saw the unfavorable condition.

"Second Sergeant Nurhadi as Babinsa is called to help residents who are sick to be taken to the hospital, and Second Sergeant Nurhadi himself does not know the condition of the car is in trouble," explained Head Of Jaya Military Area Information.

This problem has been handled by the North Jakarta Metro Police and District Military Command 0502/North Jakarta. Deputy Chief of North Jakarta Metro Resort Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Nasriadi confirmed this information.

Nasriadi added, currently the debt collectors are being pursued by North Jakarta Metro Police personnel.

"We are pursuing the suspects of the debt collectors," Nasriadi said when confirmed by the media crew via text message in Jakarta, Saturday night.

As for the car being chased by the suspect, it has been secured at the North Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters.

"The car has been secured at the Police, so the debt collectors don't take the car," said Nasriadi.

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