JAKARTA - Police have arrested six teenagers who were caught carrying and blowing firecrackers in the Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) area, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Saturday, March 15, evening.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Susatyo Purnomo Condro said the 6 teenagers had the initials MY (17), RA (12), M (15), R (12), RZ (15), and RL (16). They are students from North Jakarta (Jakut).

"We managed to secure six teenagers and evidence," said Susatyo in his statement, Sunday, March 16.

Susatyo explained that the incident began when his party received a report that a group of teenagers wanted to blow up firecrackers in the JIExpo area, Central Jakarta. On that basis, his party immediately moved and secured the 6 students.

"The actions of the teenagers disturb public order and have the potential to endanger local visitors," said Susatyo.

Meanwhile, the Head of Samapta Polres Metro Central Jakarta added, Kompol Willian Alexander. He said that the group of teenagers had detonated a firecracker at the scene.

"We found a firecracker that had exploded, allegedly deliberately turned on by this group of teenagers," said Willian.

Currently, the 6 teenagers are being brought in, then data collection is carried out and their parents call them. The police hope that this incident can be a lesson for them to be more careful in their actions.

"We understand that they are still teenagers, easy to get carried away by the flow of association and emotions. Therefore, we are not only taking action, but also fostering," he said. Firecracker Explosion in JIExpo Area, 6 Students from North Jakarta Arrested by Police

JAKARTA - Police have arrested six teenagers who were caught carrying and blowing firecrackers in the Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) area, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Saturday, March 15, evening.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Susatyo Purnomo Condro said the 6 teenagers had the initials MY (17), RA (12), M (15), R (12), RZ (15), and RL (16). They are students from North Jakarta (Jakut).

"We managed to secure six teenagers and evidence," said Susatyo in his statement, Sunday, March 16.

Susatyo explained that the incident began when his party received a report that a group of teenagers wanted to blow up firecrackers in the JIExpo area, Central Jakarta. On that basis, his party immediately moved and secured the 6 students.

"The actions of the teenagers disturb public order and have the potential to endanger local visitors," said Susatyo.

Meanwhile, the Head of Samapta Polres Metro Central Jakarta added, Kompol Willian Alexander. He said that the group of teenagers had detonated a firecracker at the scene.

"We found a firecracker that had exploded, allegedly deliberately turned on by this group of teenagers," said Willian.

Currently, the 6 teenagers are being brought in, then data collection is carried out and their parents call them. The police hope that this incident can be a lesson for them to be more careful in their actions.

"We understand that they are still teenagers, easy to get carried away by the flow of association and emotions. Therefore, we are not only taking action, but also fostering," he said.

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