JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cecep Herawan, assessed that budget efficiency of Rp. 2 trillion is a momentum for more agile, adaptive and innovative bureaucratic transformation.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that budget efficiency is not just a reduction in costs.

"However, budget efficiency needs to be seen as a momentum for bureaucratic transformation to appear more agile, adaptive and innovative," he explained in a written statement, Thursday, February 13.

It is known, President Prabowo Subianto in Presidential Instruction No.1 of 2025 which was issued on January 22 ordered budget efficiency of IDR 306.69 trillion in the 2025 APBN and APBD.

Previously, in a meeting with Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives on Thursday, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that the budget of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2025 was previously set at IDR 9,896,588,491,000.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed that the Minister of Finance through a letter dated January 24, 2025, conveyed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' budget efficiency amount of Rp2,896,492,000,000

On February 11, continued the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a notification was received from the Ministry of Finance for the amount of efficiency of IDR 2.032 trillion.

"Before we left for the meeting, the details of the efficiency figure were IDR 2,032,137,571. It consisted of goods expenditures of IDR 1,491,490,829 and capital expenditures of IDR 540,686,742,000," he explained,

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that his party had identified the budget efficiency plan according to the amount set.

From the budget before efficiency, 74.69 percent of the budget is allocated for basic and mandatory expenditures, amounting to IDR 7,391,371,446,000 allocated for personnel expenditures, homestaff mutations, rental purchases for representative office buildings and ambassador homestays as well as consultant generals, homestaff rentals, payment of Indonesian membership contributions to international organizations, passport printing, visa stickers and other consular documents as well as for the protection of Indonesian citizens.

Meanwhile, the expenditure budget that is carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' essential duties and functions is 25.31 percent or Rp2,505,217,000,045 which is allocated for the implementation of programs, maintenance of buildings, vehicles and networks, as well as capital expenditures.

"In carrying out efficiency within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, we made several adjustments, considering the specificity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so that it could not meet the efficiency of certain expenditure items," he explained.

"For example, rental spending will have an impact on payments for office rentals, buildings and representative guesthouses abroad, as well as payments for house rental facilities for homestaffs totaling 1,133 people abroad," explained the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"In terms of efficiency in official travel spending, it has a direct impact on rotation, mutation of the ambassadors of consultant generals and other homestaffs for assignments from and to Indonesian Representatives abroad which must be carried out in 2025," he said.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs underlined that the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs and all levels of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are fully committed to carrying out budget efficiency as Instruction No. 1 of 2025.

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