TANGERANG The disclosure of the murder case of Novi, a widow of one child who was found rotting in a rented room in Pondok Aren, South Tangerang began with the desertion status of Pratu TS who was said to have not entered his unit for several days, Yonif 318 Kostrad units, starting January 19, 2025.

The disciplinary action was carried out, Pratu TS was in search and was successfully secured in Medang, Tangerang, Tuesday, January 28, 2025.

"(Pratu TS) did not attend without permission (Desert) from the unit starting January 19, 2025. From the unit concerned carrying out a search for the person concerned, he was arrested in the Medang area," said Kapendam Jaya, Colonel Deki R Putra when confirmed, Friday, January 31.

During the examination, it was found that Pratu TS had committed acts of persecution that led to the death of Novi.

"It was received information that while leaving the unit, the person concerned committed (Pratu TS) committing acts of violence or mistreatment of her female colleagues which resulted in her death," he said.

On that basis, Pratu TS was taken to the Jaya 1 Tangerang Military Police Detachment (Denpom) for examination.

Hearing the confession from Pratu TS, Denpom immediately checked the location of the crime scene, at Pondok Aren to confirm the truth of Pratu TS's confession.

Arriving at the location, the officers conducted an examination at the crime scene and it was found that Novi's body had rotted in the room. Local residents were shocked by the discovery of the body.

"For the members concerned, they have been detained in Denpom Jaya 1/Tangerang for further investigation. And the TNI has also coordinated with the South Tangerang Police," he said.

Meanwhile, based on information from a resident named Yohanes, residents only found out that Novie had died in a rented house after a number of TNI members checked the scene on Thursday, January 30.

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