JAKARTA Astuti Hutapea, died after an accident in the JIEP Pulogadung area, Rawa Terate Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta, Thursday, January 30, evening. The 44-year-old woman was immediately hit by a tronton truck.

The incident occurred at around 19.35 WIB. The woman, a resident of North Bekasi, rode a Honda Vario motorcycle with the number B 4121 KGY across the JIEP Pulogadung Industrial area.

"Based on the information obtained, initially the motorbike driven by the victim was traveling from north to south via Jalan Raya Pulogadung (industrial area)," said East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Head, Kompol Arry S. Utomo when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, January 30, evening.

Furthermore, when he arrived in front of the fire department and stopped, the victim was about to turn right.

"However, during the supine position, the right handlebar was hit by the left front body of the Isuzu BK 9380 RF truck which was running in the same direction," he said.

As a result of the incident, the victim's motorbike was thrown onto the road and run over.

"The motorcyclist was thrown to the right and run over by the left front tire of the Isuzu truck, resulting in serious head injuries," he said.

The victim died instantly at the scene. For further processing, the victim was evacuated to the Central Jakarta RSCM using an ambulance.

"The laka unit has visited the scene and secured the crime scene. The case is still under investigation by the East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit," he said.

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