JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment (LH) is investigating allegations of ecosystem damage in the waters of Pal Jaya, Segarajaya Village, Tarumajaya District, Bekasi Regency, West Java. It is suspected that the damage was caused by reclamation activities through budgeting activities by deploying a team of divers.

"If not today or tomorrow we will dive again," said Environment Minister Hanif Faisol Nurofiq after sealing the Pal Jaya waters, Thursday, January 30, was confiscated by Antara.

He said it was the dive team's job to observe the impact of damage to marine ecosystem components such as coral reefs, fish, and other habitats.

The results of the observation are estimated to only come out within two weeks of the dive process considering that the sample components taken will be examined first at the Ministry of Environment laboratory.

Hanif said the sea fence building in Bekasi Regency should have been dismantled. The owner of the sea fence must also be responsible for the installation.

"With their fines, with their consequences. They must be responsible, this is not allowed, this vast sea has a fence, the risk is high," he said.

The Ministry of Environment at the same time also sealed the 2.5 hectare sea fence reclamation area belonging to PT Tunas Ruang Pelabuhan Nusantara (TRPN) for violating Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management.

The sealing was carried out by installing banners measuring 1x1.5 meters and iron as stakes in the reclamation area and the reclamation gate.

In addition to banners, seal lines were also stretched in the reclamation area, including one company's heavy equipment.

Minister LH emphasized that the sealing is based on the threat of damage or environmental quality standards so that the practice of sea fencing needs to be addressed, not reactively through an in-depth study of all potential data, both satellite imagery and administrative documents.

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