Lahat Police, South Sumatra, has arrested the suspect in the murder of Brigadier Anumerta Farras Article 340 of the Criminal Code regarding premeditated murder, Article 338 of the Criminal Code, Article 351 of the Criminal Code, and Article 213 of the Criminal Code regarding the resistance against officers.
Lahat Police Chief AKBP G.Parlasro Sinaga confirmed that his party would process the murder case.
"We are committed to enforcing the law fairly," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 24.
According to the Police Chief, the actions of the perpetrators who claimed the lives of officers constitute a serious crime. Therefore, the perpetrators will be charged with appropriate articles, including the threat of maximum punishment.
During the investigation, the police revealed the fact that the perpetrator's actions were allegedly planned beforehand.
In addition, the perpetrators also fought back against officers who resulted in serious injuries from two other personnel who are still undergoing treatment at Besamah Pagaralam Hospital.
Previously, the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, gave an award to Bripda Farras Nahan Atallah in the form of a promotion to one level higher to Briptu posthumous.
"Bripda Farras, who died in an operation to arrest drug dealers on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at around 03.55 WIB, was given a promotion to one level higher to posthumous briptu," said AKBP G.Parlasro.
This, he said, was a form of final respect for Brigadier Farhas who died on duty.
In addition, funerals held in Palembang are also official. The victim was buried at the Police's residence in Palembang.
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