PALEMBANG - South Sumatra Police (Sumsel) destroyed 49 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine as a result of the initial period of January 2025.

South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Andi Rian R Djajadi explained, apart from 49.64 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, his party also arrested three perpetrators. From the destruction, officers managed to save 490,640 people from the nation's children.

"The destruction of narcotics evidence is the implementation of a mandate from Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics in Article 91 paragraph 2," he said after the destruction in Palembang, Antara, Wednesday, January 15.

This methamphetamine was packaged manually and comes from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. Before being destroyed, the South Sumatra Police Branch Forensic Laboratory officers checked the amphetamine and methamphetamine levels contained.

The destruction was also attended by Acting Governor of South Sumatra Elen Setiadi, Pangdam II Sriwijaya, Danlanal, Danlanud, Kabinda Palembang Kajati Sumsel, Chairman of GANN South Sumatra, BNNP South Sumatra, and a number of community leaders.

Acting Governor of South Sumatra Elen Setiadi appreciated all parties who succeeded in uncovering the case.

According to him, the number of generations of nation's children who were rescued was five percent of the total population of South Sumatra and was an extraordinary number.

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