JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister Sugiono emphasized that Indonesian diplomacy will prioritize the values of Pancasila, amidst the polycrisis that occurs in the world, to unite, bridge differences and create solutions.

This was conveyed by Foreign Minister Sugiono in the Annual Press Statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta.

"Indonesia's diplomacy will be based on the values of Pancasila, with Asta Cita as a strategic guide," said the Indonesian Foreign Minister, Friday, January 10.

He further explained that it was manifested by a visionary approach that not only responded to challenges, but also played a positive role in shaping global dynamics proactively.

Highlighting the world which is now faced with polycrisis, ranging from conflicts and wars in various parts of the world, climate crises, food, energy and water, as well as rivalry between great powers, solidarity and global cooperation are getting eroded.

"The world does not need more division or power politics," said Foreign Minister Sugiono. "What the world needs is collaborative leadership that builds mutual trust and unites. Leadership that dares to face challenges in innovative ways," he explained.

"We must dare to tread a road that has not been passed, talk in a way that has never been conveyed, and build a collaboration bridge that has not previously existed," he said.

"Under the leadership of President Prabowo, Indonesia continues to strengthen its role as a leader on the global stage, a trusted partner, as well as a good neighbor," said Foreign Minister Sugiono

It is known, the long history of Indonesian diplomacy shows the role of initiator of change, ranging from the 1955 Asia-Africa Conference, the formation of ASEAN in 1967, the conception of the world-recognized Archipelago State in the 1982 UNCLOS Sea Law Convention to the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific in 2019.

In every step, Indonesia consistently becomes part of a solution and bridges differences. However, Foreign Minister Sugiono reminded that the bridge that was built must be passed together.

Foreign Minister Sugiono stressed that Indonesian diplomacy will continue to be a unifying force, bridge differences, and create innovative solutions amidst the complexity of global challenges.

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