JAKARTA - Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the United States was shocked by the 1979 Revolution and made miscalculations about his country in recent decades.

Khamenei said this when speaking with thousands of people from Qom Province at Imam Khomeini Complex, Tehran on Wednesday.

"In recent decades, America has made miscalculations about Iran. My words are mainly addressed to those intimidated by US policy," Khamenei said, as reported by IRNA on January 8.

The meeting was held as a warning of Qom's uprising on January 9, 1978 to support the late founder of the Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, and oppose the Pahlavi regime.

During the Pahlavi era, Iran was a bulwark of the United States' interests, he said, saying from within the fort a revolution failed to be predicted by the United States.

"America was deceived, dumbfounded, and blind, this is what America's calculation is wrong," explained Khamenei.

On the other hand, Ayatollah Khamenei said that Iran has a relationship with European countries and therefore it must have a relationship with the United States and be wrong.

"There is a difference," he said.

"Where America (as if) owns Iran, which was reclaimed from its grip (by the revolution)," Khamenei continued.

Furthermore, he said, the United States has a deep grudge against Iran as a result.

Menurutnya, Washington telah mengeluarkan "biaya besar" selama 46 tahun terakhir untuk "mangka kembali Iran" tetapi tidak berhasil.

"The US has been defeated in this country and is trying to make up for the defeat. Therefore, it continues to act in a hostile way towards the Iranian nation," he explained.

One of the important aspects of this "misguided policy" is the use of economic sanctions aimed at crippling Iran's economy, Khamenei said.

He stressed that sanctions policies have largely failed, as the Iranian nation has made significant progress in science and technology despite restrictions.

He admitted that although sanctions had caused "several losses" to Iran's economy, the sanctions ultimately failed to achieve the desired goal.

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