JAKARTA - The National Police's Professional and Security Division (Propam) has again held a trial of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) regarding the 2024 Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP) audience extortion case. This time, two members of Polda Metro Jaya were tried today.

"There are two (police officers who have been tried for ethics)," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Erdi Adrimulan Chaniago to VOI, Monday, January 6.

However, the identities of the two police officers on trial were not disclosed. It was only conveyed that the KKEP trial process had been running since 09.00 WIB.

In a series of KKEP sessions related to extortion, 7 police officers have been tried. They are Kombes Donald Parlaungan Simanjuntak, AKP Yudhy Triananta Syaeful, AKBP Malvino Edward Yusticia, Iptu SM, Brigadier FRS, Kompol Dzul Fadlan, and S.

For Kombes Donald Parlaungan Simanjuntak, AKP Yudhy Triananta Syaeful, and AKBP Malvino Edward Yusticia were sentenced to dishonorable dismissal or dismissal (PTDH).

Then, Kompol Dzul Fadlan, Iptu SM, and S were sanctioned for 8 years. Meanwhile, Brigadier FRS was sentenced to a 5-year demonstration.

Based on this decision, all the alleged violators or seven police officers filed an appeal.

Meanwhile, Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, said that the entire ethics trial process was also supervised by Kompolnas as the external supervisor of the National Police.

The involvement of the external party is a form of commitment to the seriousness of the Police to take firm action against members who violate the rules and form of transparency to the community.

"This is a commitment to the seriousness of the Police to take firm action, proportionally, procedurally and responsively and transparently," said Trunoyudo.

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