YOGYAKARTA For couples, eye contact is important. But when having sex, is it normal to close your eyes? Although research shows that having sex with lights on can lead to good sexual intercourse. But many people turn a blind eye to a husband and wife relationship.
Eye contact is very valuable for romantic communication. Eyes are also one of the most reliable love markers between partners. It is also used to measure love or lust. So, a number of reasons turn out to explain why many people close their eyes when making love. Some choose to close their eyes to focus more on physical sensations, focus on presence and sound, and are easily distracted if they open their eyes.
Professors who study the study of emotions and researchers who focus on psychology philosophy, Aaron Ben-Zeév, Ph.D. in his book The Arc of Love: How Our Romantic Lives Change Over Time explains about the important role of imagination in romantic love and sexual desire. Imagination in love often includes positive illusions, while in sex, fantasy is more important. According to Ben-Zerev reported by Psychology Today, Tuesday, January 7, in fantasy we cannot cover up fakes.
Fantasy is essential in sexual desire. Because fantasy offers an effective way to overcome personal limitations, normative boundaries, and external constraints. Sexual fantasy serves to avoid negative information and add positive data. Well, in order for fantasy to become real and reliable, conflicting information must be ignored. Like when we watch a movie, we change the stationary mode on the device so it doesn't get excited.
Given that affect has power, it's no surprise that many women say that they can achieve orgasm only with fantasy. Without physical stimulation at all. When the two people who interact sexually with their eyes closed, it is actually their respective preferences and has different reasons. For example, there are people who feel uncomfortable with the eyes open, shy, or other reasons.
There are also couples who agree to play role play when making love wearing eye coverings. In an article in Glamour in 2017, there are six reasons why close your eyes when making love finds its appeal. Among them, the following'
Through the list of reasons above, it indicates that many aspects intersect with eye contact and sexual desire. Many people also have an open eye at the beginning of the interaction. Closing your eyes when sexual intercourse, is common or normal, especially before climax.
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