JAKARTA - Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Pahala Nainggolan said there were assets in the form of property that allegedly belonged to the Head of the West Kalimantan National Road Implementation Agency (BPJN), Dedy Mandarsyah, which was not reported in the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN).

"It has been analyzed (LHKPN Dedy), some assets have not been reported. Now it is in the examination process," said Pahala when confirmed in Jakarta, Thursday, January 2, confiscated by Antara.

Pahala said that currently the LHKPN KPK team is collecting data to be clarified to Dedy Mandarsyah.

"Later it will be clarified, looking for additional data," he said.

However, Pahala said that currently there is no schedule for clarification invitations for the person concerned.

However, he said he would immediately invite Dedy to provide clarification.

"It's not scheduled yet, right away," he said.

As a public official, Dedy Mandarsyah has the obligation to report his assets to the KPK through LHKPN.

Based on the records of his latest report on March 14, 2024, for the reporting period in 2023, Dedy Mandarsyah was recorded as having total assets of IDR 9,426,451,869.

The report contains details of assets in the form of property, vehicles, other movable assets, cash deposits. Interestingly, he has no debt record in the report at LHKPN.

The following are the details of BPJN West Kalimantan assets, Dedy Mandarsyah, according to his report at LHKPN.

Dedy Mandarsyah's assets

1. Land and buildings According to the data listed in the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) reported by Dedy Mandarsyah, have assets in the form of land and buildings with a total value of IDR 750,000,000. These assets are located in South Jakarta which includes:

Land and buildings covering an area of 33.8 m2 in South Jakarta, the results alone are worth IDR 200,000,000. Land and buildings covering an area of 33.8 m2 in South Jakarta, the results themselves are worth IDR 200,000,000. Land and Buildings covering an area of 36 m2 in South Jakarta, the results alone are worth IDR 350,000,000.

2. Transportation equipment and machinery In its report, Dedy Mandarsyah's total assets from several assets are owned regarding transportation and machinery, namely the Honda CRV car in 2019, a prize of IDR 450,000,000.

3. Other movable assets For other movable assets that have been reported by Dedy Mandarsyah reached Rp830,000,000.

4. Dedy Mandarsyah's securities have securities with his assets recorded at Rp670,000,000.

5. Cash and cash equivalents In his report, Dedy Mandarsyah was recorded as having cash deposits and cash equivalents of Rp. 6,725,751,869.

6. Other assets: No records were reported.

7. Condolences: No records have been reported.

Based on the results of these details, Dedy Mandarsyah's total assets in the LHKPN report without being recorded in debt amounted to Rp9,426,451,869 (nine billion four hundred twenty-six million four hundred fifty thousand eight hundred and six thousand rupiahs).

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