SURABAYA - Tens of thousands of drug evidence destroyed by East Java Police. The illicit goods consisted of 17.320 grams of methamphetamine, 86.470 pills of double L, and 11.700 bottles of liquor.

"We uncovered as many as 1.800 cases with 2.205 suspects, and this evidence was captured drug cases during the period January 1 to March 31, 2021, by the Directorate of Drugs East Java Police along with the ranks", said East Java Police Chief Irjen Nico Afinta on the sidelines of drug destruction in Mapolda Jatim, in Surabaya, Monday, April 12.

Nico said that the destruction of evidence was a form of synergy carried out by the East Java Police along with the National Army (TNI), religious leaders, and related parties. The war on drugs was asserted Nico should be a war that must be fought together.

"We will continue to increase synergy to face the drug war in East Java", Nico said.

East Java Police Chief Irjen Nico Afinta and muspida elements in the destruction of drugs

During Ramadan, Nico stated that his party will conduct an operation. The target is the distribution of liquor, drugs, and unlicensed places to distribute liquor.

"I told the community to take care of Public Order and Security Sector (kamtibmas). Hopefully, by entering the month of Ramadan, the operation can run well and smoothly without any interruptions", said Nico.

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