The Attorney General's Office (AGO) continues to investigate cases of alleged corruption and money laundering (TPPU) in PT Duta Palma Group's oil palm plantation business activities. Most recently, investigators examined the President Director of PT Delimuda Nusantara regarding the case.

"The witness being examined has the initials ISW as the President Director of PT Delimuda Nusantara," said Head of the AGO, Harli Siregar in his statement, Tuesday, October 22.

It was not conveyed in detail what was explored from the statement of the President Director of PT Delimuda Nusantara. Only mentioned a few things related to the examination process which took place on Monday, October 21.

One of them regarding the examination of witnesses is the development of the previous case which has named Surya Darmadi as a convict.

The development was carried out because from the judicial decision new evidence was obtained regarding the alleged corruption committed by the Palma Group Ambassador.

"The witness examination was carried out to strengthen the evidence and complete the filing in the case," said Harli.

In this case, the AGO has also named a total of 7 corporations as suspects. They are PT Palma Satu; PT Banyu Bening Utama; PT Panca Agro Lestari; PT Kencana Amal Tani; PT Asset Pacific; and PT Darmex Plantations.

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