JAKARTA - Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Ade Irfan Pulungan emphasized that there was nothing wrong with the presence of President Joko Widodo and the Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto at the wedding of Atta Halilintar-Aurel Hermansyah. Wedding events are allowed as long as they follow the provisions set by the COVID-19 Task Force.
"Now that marriage is allowed, there are procedures, regulations, provisions that have been issued by the Task Force. From the limitation on the number of guests and the most important thing is to comply with health protocols”, said Ade Irfan when contacted by VOI editorial team, Monday, April 5.
Ade Irfan said that it was a mistake if Jokowi's presence was a paradox with conditions in the regions. In his tweet, Fiersa Besari said that permission for community's weddings was made difficult, but celebrity's weddings were attended directly by state leaders.
"It must be understood that the rules for the wedding ceremony regulated by the COVID-19 Task Force, as long as they are obeyed, it can still be done. Moreover (the rules) regarding the number of invited (guests) present and the necessity for proper and correct health protocols, there is no problem. Don't see the perspective negatively", continued Ade Irfan.
Meanwhile, about Ernest Prakasa's tweet questioning the Ministry of State Secretariat's (Kemensetneg) Twitter account uploading a photo of Jokowi's moment witnessing the wedding of Atta-Aurel, Ade Irfan said that all parties must be wise.
"His mature and wise way of thinking. If everything is considered wrong, he can even blame Jokowi for hitting the rat on the road. Don't think narrowly negatively. All of these are government regulations for the involvement of local governments, don't all be drawn to the president, local governments have the involvement and authority”, he added.
Criticism also comes from epidemiologists
An epidemiologist from Australia's Griffith University Dicky Budiman regretted the presence of President Jokowi and Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto at the event.
He said that a party attended by a number of officials seemed to justify the relaxation of health protocols if someone knew high-ranking officials in the country.
"This health protocol applies indiscriminately, it applies to all. It is not because someone is close to an official or a public figure so that they can be given an exception", said Dicky when contacted by VOI editorial team, Monday, April 5.
Even though he saw that many people who attended Atta-Aurel's wedding were still wearing masks, he considered this not an example that should be given to society in the midst of a pandemic like now.
"So this is not a good example during the current pandemic, because he sees this protocol as being picky. Moreover, I have seen many weddings being dismissed", he said.
PDIP Party Defends
PDIP Party politician Hendrawan Supratikno assessed that the public did not need to overreact to President Jokowi's presence either as a guest or a witness to the marriage of Anang Hermansyah and Krisdayanti's daughter.
"I see it more as an effort to respect the hopes and requests of the family", Hendrawan told VOI editorial team, Monday, April 5.
Hendrawan said that the president's presence at the venue also still applies health protocols.
"What I hear is that health protocols are strictly enforced", he explained.
Hendrawan emphasized that it would be too much for Jokowi's presence to be questioned and even compared to other events. Moreover, to mention Jokowi's thirst for popularity.
"I feel it would be too much for someone to judge Jokowi to be infatuated with popularity or to compare why he attended Atta Halilintar's wedding but did not attend a similar event held by party officials", explained Hendrawan.
According to him, Jokowi was still wrapped in simplicity at the event. Even though the event that was held was quite luxurious and was a top artist in the country.
"Regarding luxury or modesty, it is relative. But the President came to emphasize simplicity. This means that he does not get carried away with the 'Crazy Rich Jakarta' style", he said.
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