JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives from the PDIP faction, Selly Andrianygana, criticized the action of the Darussalam An'Nur Foundation Orphanage in Kunciran Indah, Tangerang City, which molested a number of his foster children.

He also requested that these sexual predators receive maximum punishment with weight.

"Indeed, the actions of the perpetrators are barbaric! They must be punished severely," said Selly Andriany Change, Friday, October 11.

Selly supports the police who ensnared the predators by Law 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (UU TPKS).

Selly assessed that the TPKS Law, which was completed through the role of Puan Maharani as Chair of the DPR in 2022, is the strongest rule.

"Through the TPKS Law, maximum entanglement can be given to perpetrators of child predators," he said.

"Because it not only ensnares the perpetrator, but the institution that handles it," he added.

According to Selly, the Orphanage in Tangerang can be legally processed starting from the permit and the law and impoverishing the perpetrators through the confiscation of their assets by showing their identities.

"Thus, the perpetrators are not only subject to legal sanctions but social sanctions from the community. Their faces are in digital traces in the media," said the legislator from the Javanese electoral district, Bara VIII.

"Meanwhile, the victim gets strong legal protection and is covered with identity and gets mental rehabilitation assistance," continued Selly.

The perpetrators are suspected of violating Article 6 of the TPKS Law with a threat of 12 years in prison. In addition, the police charged the perpetrators with Article 76E and 76I in conjunction with Article 82 of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection and/or Article 289 of the Criminal Code. The threat of punishment in Article 76E of the Child Protection Law is a maximum of 15 years in prison.

Selly, who in the previous DPR period served in Commission VIII with the field of work related to child protection, also encouraged law enforcement to give punishment to the perpetrators considering the status of the suspects who were the caregivers of the victims.

"In Article 82 paragraph 2 of the Child Protection Law, it is firm in regulating that criminal acts of sexual violence against children committed by childcare have been increased by adding 1/3 to the sentence," he said.

The article reads, "In the event of a criminal act as referred to in paragraph (1), it is carried out by parents, guardians, people who have family relations, caregivers, educators, education staff, officers who handle child protection, or are carried out by more than one person together, the sentence is added 1 shot3 (a third) from the criminal threat as referred to in paragraph (1)".

"I hope that law enforcers can provide the maximum threat of punishment. So that there is a deterrent effect so that a similar incident will not happen again in the future," said Selly.

Reportedly, the Chairperson of the Darussalam Foundation Orphanage Foundation An'Nu, Sudirman (49) and the 2 orphanage caregivers, namely Yusuf Bahtiar (30) and Yandi Supriyadi (28) were named as suspects of sexual violence for committing sexual abuse against a number of foster children.

Sudirman and Yusuf have been arrested, while Yandi is still being hunted by the police and is now on the DPO (People Search List). It is known that there have been 8 victims of sexual abuse of child predators at the Kunciran Orphanage. The current number of victims is 8 people, all of whom are male. Of the 8 victims, 5 people are children and 3 are adults.

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