JAKARTA - Pope Francis has urged countries to accelerate the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, especially for the world's poor. Pope Francis also praised Myanmar's youth democracy struggles.

This was conveyed as part of the Easter message delivered on Sunday 4 April. This is the second time, an Easter service at the Vatican, attended by only a handful of people at the secondary altar of St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican.

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccine, Pope Francis also includes armed conflict and violence, as well as military spending, when the world is being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic as an embarrassment.

After the Mass, Pope Francis recites the message 'Urbi et Orbi' (to the city and the world), in which he traditionally looks at world issues and pleads for peace.

"The pandemic is still spreading, while the social and economic crisis is still severe, especially for the poor. Even so, this is a shame, the armed conflict is not over and the military arsenal is strengthened", the Pope said concerned, as reported by Reuters.

Different from usual, where the Pope gave a speech to more than 100.000 Catholics in St. Peter's Square. This time, the Pope only delivered a speech to less than 200 people, but it was broadcasted to tens of millions of Catholics around the world.

On this occasion, the Pope also asked God to comfort the sick, those who have lost loved ones and are unemployed. Urge authorities to provide the families most in need of adequate food.

The Pope praised medical workers amid the pandemic, sympathized with young people unable to attend school, and said everyone was called to fight the pandemic.

"I call on the entire international community, in the spirit of global responsibility, to commit to overcoming delays in vaccine distribution and facilitating its distribution, especially in the poorest countries", the Pope hoped.

Pope Francis, who has frequently called for disarmament and a total ban on the possession of nuclear weapons, said, "There is still too much war and too much violence in the world! May God, who is our peace, help us overcome the mindset of war".

Still, in his Easter message, the Pope said the world would be better off without deadly instruments such as anti-personnel landmines, which he called dangerous and terrifying devices.

Meanwhile, regarding the conflict areas, the Pope praised Myanmar's youths who are committed to supporting democracy, making their voices heard peacefully. It is known that more than 550 people have died since the military coup took place in Myanmar on February 1.

Pope Francis has called for peace in several conflict areas in Africa, including the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia and the province of Cabo Delgado in Mozambique. He said the crisis in Yemen had been met with deafening and humiliating silence.

Not only that, but the Pope also appealed to Israelis and Palestinians to rediscover the power of dialogue, to reach a two-state solution, where both can coexist in peace and prosperity.

The Pope added that he realized that many Christians were still being persecuted and called for all restrictions on freedom of worship and diversity around the world to be lifted.

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