JAKARTA - A student at SMA Islam As-Syafi'iyah, South Jakarta lies in the hospital in an unconscious condition. The condition of the student named Afdal Ali (16) is concerning the condition of his head filled with bandages and a tube that sticks to his mouth and nose.

Mukti, Afdal's parents said that his son had been a victim of abuse by his seniors.

"On Tuesday (8 October) my son was pulled by his seniors, Class 12 and 11 from the school area outside the school fence. And soon there was a beating. As a result, my son had bruises on his left face and bruises behind his head," Mukti said, quoted from a VOI source, Thursday, October 10.

As a result of the beating, Afdal was immediately rushed to the hospital by school friends and teachers unconscious.

Mukti explained that his son was still unconscious or in a coma.

"My son is unconscious. Medical action with CT scans the head and further action is carried out by bleeding surgery in the left and right brains," he said.

Therefore, parents do not yet know what caused the child to be abused by his schoolmate

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Gogo Galesung, confirmed the incident. However, the police have not explained the motive for the abuse.

"We have received the LP (report) and are in the process of being handled," he said.

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