DENPASAR - Bali Police Chief Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya gathered pecalang or security for traditional villages in order to support the security of the 2024 Pilkada in Denpasar.

The lives of people in Bali, said the Bali Police Chief, are regulated in two regulations, namely official village regulations that regulate the lives and administration of village governments nationally, and customary village regulations that regulate people's lives from the point of view of local customs and traditions.

Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya said the Bali Provincial Regulation Number 4 of 2019 concerning Traditional Villages in Bali regulates the safety of this traditional village.

Based on the regulation, pecalang has a strategic role to help and support police duties such as securing religious events, community activities, securing national and international events as well as handling the COVID-19 pandemic based on traditional villages which is quite successful and has received various appreciations from the government.

As a village security apparatus, he said, a pecalang must have a good attitude and be able to be an example for other people.

The Kapolda asked pecalang to avoid arrogant attitudes or to be involved in violations and criminal acts.

A pecalang, he continued, must also have a sense of accuracy and understanding the situation and conditions of a good region.

"In accordance with its meaning, pecalang comes from the word 'calang' which means 'be vigilant. I hope pecalang will become a capable bulwark of defense and security in every village or banjar each," said the Bali Police Chief.

He explained that the task of pecalang is a noble task and dedication to traditional villages.

Therefore, he hopes that Pecalang can carry out his duties with good dedication and responsibility as well as being united and enthusiastic in carrying out his duties.

The Kapolda also hopes that Pecalang can play an active role in maintaining a harmonious atmosphere in society.

"Don't be easily influenced by calls to provoke or incite the public to win certain candidate pairs by way that is against the law," he said, quoted by ANTARA.

In the current digital era, said the Kapolda, pecalang must also be able to adapt to the times by continuing to adapt and innovate without leaving the values of local traditions and customs, work hand in hand and establish good communication and cooperation with members of the National Police, TNI, local governments, and other stakeholders.

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