PEKANBARU - A man named Yasim (68) was found dead by a crocodile in a ditch while he was fishing in Teluk Nilap Village, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau.

Rohil Police Chief AKBP Isa Imam Syahroni played the game the day before he was found the victim saying goodbye to his wife to fish in the Dusun Teluk durian area.

However, until late at night, the victim did not return home and was worried that he would eventually inform local residents.

"Residents had visited and looked for victims at the location where they were fishing, but the effort was fruitless. Even so, residents did not leave the location until the morning," said AKBP Isa, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 20.

In the morning at around 06.00 WIB, one of the residents heard the sound of a slam in the water from a distance of about 200 meters. From that place, clothes and fishing rods were also found.

When checked at the source of the sound, it appears that the sound is made from an estuarine crocodile. Inside his mouth, there is a male corpse that is not wearing clothes.

"Seeing the incident, the community immediately tried to help to get the victim out," continued AKBP Isa.

Residents immediately used a generator machine to kill the crocodile that was still in the water. After the crocodile was successfully paralyzed, residents took out the victim's body.

"When he was removed from the crocodile's mouth, it turned out that the victim's body was incomplete. His head was cut off," he said.

It did not stop there, the community immediately split the stomach of the paralyzed crocodile, and it turned out that it was true that the head of the corpse was in his stomach.

Based on the results of the medical team's examination from the Puskesmas, there were no other signs of violence from the victim. It is strongly suspected that the victim died due to the attack of the animal.

"The victim has been handed over to the family for burial. The family has also forgiven the victim's death and refused to be autopsied," he said.

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