SURABAYA - President Joko Widodo witnessed the marriage of the son of the Governor of East Java for the 2019-2024 period Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Yusuf Mannagalli, to a girl from Pasuruan named Jihan Qonitaillah at the Al Akbar National Mosque in Surabaya.

"The President was present at 13.15 WIB, he was a witness from the male family," said Khofifah, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 20.

President Jokowi came to the Al Akbar National Mosque with First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo after monitoring the prices of basic commodities in the Surabaya market.

Before Yusuf Mannagalli Parawansa's marriage contract with Jihan Qonitatillah underwent the Pasrah Tinampi procession.

Tinampi's surrender is a proposal procession from the prospective bride and groom to the family of the prospective bride and groom. The Pasrah Tinampi procession was held at the Grand Ballroom, Al Marwah of the Al Akbar National Mosque in Surabaya, attended by the bride and groom and family, as well as the bride and groom's family.

"Please pray, hopefully everything will be facilitated by Allah SWT, the family of the maslahah, sakinah, mawaddah, warohmah," said Khofifah.

Khofifah, who is also the General Chair of the NU Muslimat, gave opportunities to people who wanted to congratulate the bride and groom, in the evening, at a residence in the Jemursari area of Surabaya.

"Then the thanksgiving at home in Jemursari, so if there are guests who happen to have not been here, please, be present in Jemur, at our house tonight," he said.

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