JAKARTA - According to the Global Web Index report, more than 60 percent of internet users in Indonesia access the internet through general wifi every day. This increases the potential threat to data privacy that is sensitive to spread or stolen, such as banking information, passwords to private communications.

Referring to data from the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), it shows that during 2022 there was an increase in cases of cyber attacks on users connected to the public wifi network.

In order to prevent crimes that use general wifi, the Ministry of Communication and Information through the Obral Oblique of Digital Literacy (OOTD) webinar entitled "Stay Connected, Stay Safe: Beware of General Wifi" reminds the public to remain vigilant in using the internet network.

In the discussion, Zulfadly Syam, General Secretary of the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) said that the free wifi connection is very risky to criminal acts because the wifi users do not know the providers of the wifi network they use.

"If it's a personal or personal network, we know what provider we will connect to. But if it's free wifi, sometimes we don't check who the wifi is produced by," he said.

Loina Lalolo Krina Perangin-angin, Coordinator of the Cybercreation Policy Research & Analysis Division who is also a speaker at OOTD which was held on Friday, September 13, added that the perpetrator had designed a crime with free wifi mode. The lure of the internet for free is considered an opportunity to commit a crime.

"Often it has been designed by those who have malicious intentions. While we innocently enter the digital world, we feel that everyone is fine," said Loina.

In the discussion, Indriyatno Banyumurti, Executive Director of ICT Watch shared suggestions on keeping personal data in the digital world safe. He said the auto-stopper application could be a means of preventing crimes from hacking personal data most optimally. Because in the application, internet users will get a code that changes if someone wants to access their personal data.

To anticipate data hacking, we can use the autorehensive application. This application provides a one time password code that will change for 30 seconds or one minute. This is the most optimal way to avoid cybercrime, especially data hacking," said Indiryatno.

Kominfo reiterated to the public to remain wise in utilizing technology, especially when doing activities in the digital world in everyday life. With high digital literacy in Indonesia, it is believed that it will automatically reduce the risk of cyber crime in the digital world.

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