JAKARTA - The European Union on Friday condemned the alleged transfer of Iranian-made ballistic missiles to Russia.

"This diversion is a direct threat to European security and is a substantive material escalation of the provision of Iranian unmanned aircraft (UAVs) and ammunition, which Russia has used in the fight against Ukraine," said EU Head of Foreign Policy Josep Borrell as reported by ANTARA from Anadolu-OANA, Saturday, September 14.

"Iranian ballistic missiles can now be used that cause further suffering and destruction in Ukraine," the statement added.

On behalf of the European Union, Borrell stressed the bloc "has repeatedly warned Iran against sending ballistic missiles to Russia."

The European Union also plans to take new measures against Iran following the move.

Including the appointment of individuals and entities involved with Iran's ballistic missile and drone programs, and in this case considering restrictive measures in Iran's aviation sector as well, according to the statement.

Tehran denies the shipment of weapons, and calls the new sanctions Western countries in this regard "economic terrorism."

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