YOGYAKARTA - Media actors, journalists and citizen journalists, must be creative in order to create works that are interesting and enjoyed by readers. However, media actors still have to pay attention to content from their healthy and ethical creations.

Multimedia journalism is growing rapidly. Journalism that combines writing, photos, graphics and even google maps does have an advantage that makes print media, for example, have to work hard to compete with it.

Not only that, multimedia journalism is completely demanding high creativity. However, journalists or those who prepare the menu must pay attention that the content offered to consumers is clearly healthy and ethical.

This was conveyed by Diyah Ayu Karuningsih, a lecturer at the Multi Media MMTC Yogyakarta School when she was one of the speakers for Seminar and Workshop Multimedia Reporting. The activity, which is located at STMM MMTC, Yogyakarta Thursday, September 12, 2024, was held by the Indonesian Institute of Journalism (IIJ), in collaboration with Astra Indonesia and STMM MMTC.

"Don't let creativity get content into ethics. So it's important to call it a netizen, namely internet etiquette. This is a manners in using the internet," said Diyah, who provides tips on creating healthy content. He introduces things that need to be considered in creating digital content.

"The basic thing about netizets is that we have to realize that we interact with real humans in other networks," he said.

"Digital ethical aspects include respecting the privacy of others, avoiding discriminatory or demeaning content. Likewise, when managing comments and online interactions with ethics. Being a controller in the digital realm, don't be controlled by digital content," said a beautiful lecturer who encourages and motivates participants to consistently create positive content.

Seminars and Workshop Multimedia Reporting aim to equip journalists, content creators, and citizen journalist with the latest skills in producing quality multimedia content. The seminars and workshops not only present Diyah as a resource person but also Heru Margianto (Managing Editor Kompas.com) and Rendy Sadikin (Secretary of the Indonesian Cyber Media Association (AMSI) Yogyakarta.

President Director of IIJ, Umar Idris said participants were invited to dig deeper into the development of the world of multimedia journalism, ranging from the selection of appropriate devices to interesting and informative content creation techniques.

"One of the inspiring moments in this event is the presence of Alan Effendhi, the recipient of the 2023 Indonesia Awards for entrepreneurship. Alan's success story in building a social business inspires the participants to create works that have a positive impact on society," said Umar.

Meanwhile, Astra's Head of Media Relations, Regina Panontongan, revealed that the collaboration initiative for organizing this multimedia reporting seminar and workshop was Astra's contribution to the development of creativity.

"This encourages collaboration between professional journalists and citizen journalist in enriching the digital realm with healthy and inspiring content," he said.

Another goal, said Regina further, is in line with the spirit of creativity and innovation, Astra also launched the Astra Photo Contest and the 2024 Astra Reporter Award.

"This competition invites the public to send their best photos and writings with the theme 'Together, Work, and Sustainable' with various interesting prizes, such as motorbikes, actioncams and smartwatches," Regina said.

As the host, the Assistant Chairperson of the MSMTC STMM for General Administration, RB Hendri Kuswantoro, M.Kom. expressed his joy with the success of this collaborative event.

"Cooperation between media, professional, private, and campus organizations in this event needs to continue to be developed," he said.

Hendri revealed that there is a need for campuses to know developments in the industrial world. "This collaboration is one of the effective ways to answer these needs," he said.

On that occasion, Heru Margianto started his presentation by describing the situation of the flow of information on digital platforms. According to him, there are blessings and disasters with the current digital development.

"Thanks a lot of positive and inspiring content. In fact, there is a flood of misinformation that reproduces until it is considered the truth, there is an end to a disaster," he said.

The solution to reduce the disaster is to create good and interesting content. "The way is in multimedia format. Text, photos and videos become a content format that strengthens each other and is able to attract audiences," he said.

When the content is finished, the next challenge is publication and distribution. "We have to get to know the character of the platform as a publication and distribution channel. Don't let the content be good, minimal audience," said Rendy Sadikin.

The seminar, which took place from morning to noon, was attended by more than a hundred participants from journalists, citizen journalists, content creators, to students from various campuses in Yogyakarta. The activity then continued with a workshop.

In line with the spirit of creativity and innovation, Astra launched the Astra Photo Contest and the 2024 Astra Journalist Award with the theme "Together, Work, Sustainable". The registration period has started on July 10 and will end in November.

According to Regina, this event invites the entire community to participate in capturing the inspirational moments that contribute to Indonesia's sustainability. Registration and more information can be seen in bit.ly/Astra's Nationalistic Competition.

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