JAKARTA - The Indonesian Political Indicators survey institute released a poll on the electability rate of the candidate for Governor of West Java in the 2024 Pilkada. As a result, the candidate for governor, promoted by KIM, Dedi Mulyadi, received the highest electability.

In a simulation of 8 names containing 4 candidates for governor and 4 candidates for deputy governor, Dedi Mulyadi has 74 percent electability. This figure is increasing rapidly compared to the Indicator survey last July which was around 32 percent.

Executive Director of Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi assessed that Dedi's increase in electability in the West Java Pilgub occurred due to a vote shift from the voter base Ridwan Kamil (RK) who is now participating in the Jakarta Pilkada contestation.

In the Indicator survey last July, RK had the highest electability, namely 44.5 percent in the simulation of 12 names and 45.6 percent in the simulation of 6 names.

"From this data, we can conclude, for the time being, Ridwan Kamil's voter base, which previously dominated the July survey, many ran to Dedi Mulyadi," said Burhanuddin in an online survey presentation, Thursday, September 12.

Apart from Dedi, prospective candidates who will receive votes from the RK voter base in the West Java Pilgub are Ahmad Syaikhu who was promoted by PKS. However, the increase in electability was not as significant as Dedi.

"Ahmad Syaikhu has also increased quite well, 1.5 percent in July, in September 2024 it will be 10.2 percent. Dedi Mulyadi Jugh's increase is higher than Ahmad Syaikhu," said Burhanuddin.

Meanwhile, in the simulation of the 4 names of candidates for the Governor of West Java, Dedi's electability was above the wind, which was 77.3 percent. The difference in Dedi's electability figure with other candidates is quite far. Under Dedi, the second highest electability is Ahmad Syaikhu at 10.8 percent.

Then, Acep Adang Ruhiat received 2.2 percent electability and Jeje Wiradinata 2.1 percent. Meanwhile, respondents who did not know or did not answer were 7.7 percent.

"So, it's not too competitive, yes, so far," said Burhanuddin.

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