YOGYAKARTA - Since the governor has led the DKI Jakarta area until now. Each leader is remembered for their respective influence which has a positive impact, so that some are remembered for their controversy. One of them is the governor of Jakarta who legalizes the casino or gambling.

Instead of banning gambling activities, this one governor actually legalized the casino. This policy was carried out carelessly, but as a solution to increase the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). At that time, the DKI Jakarta government withdrew a gambling tax for development funds.

This policy has also become controversial and has drawn criticism from many parties. Although the goal is good for regional development, the method is considered to deviate from religious teachings. So who is the governor of DKI Jakarta who has legalized the casino and what is the economic scheme?

The former governor of DKI Jakarta, known for his controversy in releasing gambling activities, is Ali Sadikin. The governor for the 1966-1977 period legalized gambling for the purpose of building Jakarta. The man who is familiarly called Bang Ali took advantage of gambling tax results as one of the regional financial income.

Ali Sadikin had to carry out the illegal policy because he felt he needed an increase for regional income sources. When he was initially appointed governor of DKI Jakarta, Ali Sadikin was surprised to learn that the amount of the APBD was only Rp. 66 million. He considered that the funds were not enough to build a better capital or run again.

Departing from these concerns and looking for ideas that can be applied, the DKI Jakarta government then took preventive and repressive steps against gambling. His party then tried to localize the implementation of gambling in the Jakarta area and collect taxes from Casinos.

In the early days of his leadership in DKI Jakarta, Governor Ali Sadikin felt that the APBD was quite small because it was only Rp. 66 million. The total budget for regional income includes the results of tax withdrawals and subsidies from the government.

Ali Sadikin then asked a number of senior officials to find solutions to increase regional income. Head of Bureau II, who oversees the public relations and protocols, Wardiman Djjonegoro, opened a government regulatory archive that was mostly written in Dutch.

Wardiman Djjonegoro then went to Djoemadjitin, the Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta, and showed him the Dutch government regulations contained in the Statsblad. Djoemadjitin then told Ali Sadikin that there was a regional regulation that said he could collect taxes from gambling permits, from Law no. 11 of 1957.

"I dare. For the needs of the people of Jakarta, I dare," said Ali Sadikin, quoting from Ali Sadikin's book: Fixing Jakarta into a Human City.

The plan to control gambling and collect taxes has received support from the writing of the winner of the writing competition held by the DKI Jakarta Regional Government. In the competition to commemorate the anniversary of DKI Jakarta, our daily journalist Christianto Wibisono, who later became an economic observer, wrote a proposal for localizing gambling as a source of conventional financing.

In his writing, Christianto submitted a suggestion for the DKI Jakarta Government to legalize casino activities and set taxes on him. The tax levy is used as a source of funds to build elementary school buildings for 600,000 school-age children who are threatened with not being able to take formal education.

Based on careful considerations and the consequences that will be obtained, Ali Sadikin finally officially issued a Decree (SK) prohibiting illegal gambling in the DKI Jakarta area on July 26, 1967.

After that, the first casino was built in the Petak Sembilan area, West Jakarta two months after the decree was issued. In addition, Governor Ali also had time to hold a special lotto/hwa-hwe (judi) for Chinese circles and increase various taxes such as vehicle taxes.

The risky steps taken by Governor Ali Sadikin are not without full consideration, but he is aware that gambling is prohibited in any religion. He also realized that his decision to legalize gambling would be opposed by many parties.

But further, Ali Sadikin explained that gambling is intended for certain circles only. What is meant is people who cannot survive without gambling. This person even deliberately went to Macau and disbursed his money to gamble there.

Ali Sadikin considers that instead of just yawning in people's countries, it is better if the money is useful for development in Jakarta. He also knows exactly that the gambling business in Jakarta is not small in number and there are elements behind it. He thought, rather than being allowed to go wild and not produce for the government, so it is better to ratify and be disciplined.

That's a review of the Governor of Jakarta who legalized the casino to increase the APBD from tax collection. Over time as a leader of DKI Jakarta, Ali Sadikin succeeded in increasing the regional budget, one of which was from gambling taxes. Also read Ali Sadikin builds Jakarta asphalt from gambling taxes.

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