North Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan explained that there were many conspirators arrested in Kelapa Gading and spread across various regions.

"The indications are about 50 groups, 50 groups of perpetrators and how many people they play here, how many people will play there, how many more people are there," said Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan to reporters at the Kelapa Gading Police, North Jajarta, Tuesday, September 3.

Gidion assessed that this mode often occurs in Indonesia, even for the people, they are familiar.

"I think this incident may be a bit attached to our ears, it often happens, which people say with a gendam model. But in this incident it was not a gendam, but there were a series of fake words used to cover the victim," he said.

Meanwhile, Kelapa Gading Police Chief, Kompol Maulana Mukarom explained that this fraud group has groups scattered in various places. One of them is this gang that comes from various regions.

So groups are quite large. Because each other is interrelated. So it's easy for us to access communication. So this group has a group like that," he said.

The perpetrators acted in the areas of Bali, Medan, Magelang, Semarang, Fatmawati, South Jakarta, Cilincing, North Jakarta Sunter, to Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. The method he does can also be said to be organized.

"The syndicate actors are organized," said Kompol Maulana.

"The perpetrator targets the elderly who may be physically weakened, then there is no assistant to carry out banking transactions. Then the suspect approached them to become victims," he continued.

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