JAKARTA - PT. Pertamina RU VI Balongan oil refinery, Indramayu Regency, West Java, caught fire on Monday, March 29, early morning.

As reported by Antara, the fire engulfed the PT. Pertamina RU VI Balongan oil refinery in Indramayu Regency, West Java, on Monday morning, was seen from a distance of five kilometers.

"From here it looks really big, the fire," said Suci, a resident of Indramayu, to Antara by telephone, Monday.

Suci said that the distance from her residence to the oil refinery area owned by Pertamina VI Balongan is about 5 kilometers. Although so far the flames seemed to be soaring.

"From here the distance is indeed far, but the fire is visible," said Suci.

Another resident named Dedi shared the same thing that the oil refinery area was emitting fire and loud noise.

"Yes, it can be seen from here. Indeed, it is the RU VI Balongan area," he said by telephone.

From the video circulating on social media groups, the condition of the RU VI Balongan location was violently burned, forcing local residents to leave their houses.

Quoting Pertamina's website, the Balongan VI Refinery is the sixth of the seven refineries of the PT. Pertamina (Persero) Directorate of Processing.

The main business activity at this refinery is processing crude oil from Duri and Minas into petroleum (BBM), non-petroleum and petrochemical products.

This refinery started operations in 1994 and is located in Indramayu or about 200 km east of Jakarta.

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