TANGERANG - A man on M Toha Street, Pamulang, East Ciputat, South Tangerang (Tangsel) was killed after being stabbed several times by someone whose identity has not been identified. The stabbing took place on Friday morning, August 30.

An eye witness named Mansur (64), a traffic control volunteer around the crime scene (TKP), suspected that the action had been planned.

Suddenly a man came waiting at the scene. When the victim began to be seen by the alleged perpetrator, he immediately stabbed the victim with a sharp weapon (sajam) repeatedly into his body.

"I'm parked, that person cuts from the inside. From Jalan Kunir, I want to go out towards Curug, Parung Bogor. Suddenly the perpetrator was rich, I thought he was waiting for him (the victim) to come. The victim immediately got down, I was shocked, right," said Mansur when met at the scene, Friday, August 30.

"Yes, use a knife, it's ready like someone for revenge. It's like it was planned," he continued.

Residents began arriving to help the victim, while the perpetrator tried to escape by running away.

"The fire went to Jalan Kunir. The perpetrator was with the victim, no one knew him. Not the residents here," he said.

Based on the information received, the victim was immediately taken to the hospital. But unfortunately, his life could not be saved.

Head of Public Relations of the South Tangerang Police, AKP Agil, confirmed the incident. Currently, his party is conducting an investigation to reveal the perpetrator of the stabbing.

"Sudah melakukan upaya-upaya penyelidikan secara maksimal dan lengkap untuk mengungkapkan peristiwa itu secara cepat," tutupnya.

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