Three villages in Lebak Regency, Banten, experienced a clean water crisis due to the dry season which caused springs, water pumps, and wells, drought.
Head of the Emergency and Logistics Section of the Lebak Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Agust Riza Faesal said his party had received public reports in the three villages since the past week.
Communities with drought spread over three villages, namely Gunungbatu Village in Cilograng District as many as 1,042 families (KK), Cempaka Village in Warunggunung District as many as 54 families, and Prabudagan in Cileles District as many as 60 families.
Those who were hit by the clean water crisis, he continued, were forced to buy water from other areas. There are also those who seek water at night from springs.
"We predict that the clean water crisis will hit other areas following a long dry season," said Agust in Rangkasbitung, Lebak, Antara, Monday, August 26.
According to him, the Lebak BPBD in the near future will distribute clean water supplies to the three villages hit by the clean water crisis.
Currently, he continued, three local BPBD's tank vehicles are in condition of repair so that they cannot be operated. "We are trying as soon as possible so that vehicles can be operated to supply clean water to the community where there is a clean water crisis," said Agust.
Based on the local BPBD mapping in 2024, the clean water and drought crisis in Lebak Regency occurred in 70 villages spread across 20 sub-districts.
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