JAKARTA - PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar said he was concerned about PBNU's current condition regarding his party. Muhaimin insinuated PBNU takes care of trivial matters.
"I feel more and more sorry for PBNU, who is said to want to be a world peacemaker who is said to be over the country, eh, the business is trivial, the uprek-upresk is unclear. That's why I'm as an NU Shiriah concerned," said Muhaimin at Widya Chandra, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 21.
PBNU said Cak Imin should focus on his duties. There is no need to bother intervening internally with political parties.
"Let's return to our respective duties and responsibilities, especially not to mix struggle matters with political matters," he said.
Today Cak Imin did not fulfill the invitation of the special committee (pansus) formed by the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU). Cak Imin was reluctant to come to PBNU.
Due to his absence, Cak Imin wants to emphasize that PKB and PBNU are two different entities. PKB stands based on Law (UU) Number 2 of 2011 concerning Political Parties.
Meanwhile, PBNU was founded based on Law Number 17 of 2013 concerning Community Organizations. Thus, Cak Imin hopes that PBNU will not interfere with the management of his party.
"If you want to meet coffee at home, coffee on the side of the road, please as a sharia, I'm having fun at a branch, it should be very easy to talk," he said.
"But as a political party, I must obey the constitution and invite PBNU to respect and obey each other's constitution and PBNU should return to its fitrah and return to its function as a community organization should not interfere in party affairs," said Muhaimin.
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