JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that the megathrust earthquake in Indonesia was just a matter of time. Commission IV of the DPR asked the Government to immediately carry out mitigation and anticipation because information about the potential for the Megathrust earthquake caused unrest in the community.

"Indonesia is indeed one of the countries prone to natural disasters, so we need to carry out mitigation early so that the public is more vigilant and understands how to deal with it. We must be ready to face all possibilities and ensure that our society is protected," said Commission IV member Daniel Johan, Wednesday, August 21.

Daniel explained that what BMKG said about the potential for a megathrust earthquake in Indonesia should be a serious concern of the Government.

"Don't let the initial information submitted by BMKG be considered only a passing wind and we don't make preparations. Moreover, many people are worried because of this information!" he said.

"Although this is not a warning that a megathrust earthquake will occur in the near future, the public needs to be given education and socialization as early as possible," Daniel continued.

The legislator from the West Kalimantan I electoral district also assessed that the Government must be able to learn from the 2004 Aceh Tsunami disaster which claimed many victims. Therefore, said Daniel, comprehensive and sustainable mitigation is needed as an anticipatory measure against the worst possibility.

"Especially the Government in order to provide a detailed explanation to the public about the potential for this megathrust earthquake so that there is no confusion of information that will make people more restless," he said.

As a country prone to natural disasters, it is undeniable that there is a potential earthquake in Indonesia. BMKG said there were 13 megathrust zones ranging from the Aceh-Damunist megathrust in western Indonesia to the Papua megathrust zone north of Papua. In addition, the possibility of an earthquake also occurred in the Mentawai-Siberut megathrust.

It is even estimated that the potential strength of the megathrust earthquake is higher than the earthquake that hit Aceh in 2004. Given the impact of the devastating Aceh earthquake, the public is also worried about the potential information for the upcoming megathrust earthquake.

For this reason, Daniel encouraged the Government to immediately anticipate disaster management. Because in addition to mitigation efforts, preparations from the infrastructure side to disaster evacuation are also considered very important.

"We don't want the lack of preparation to harm the community," explained Daniel.

Even so, Daniel appealed to the public not to feel anxious and continue to carry out activities as usual.

People don't need to be afraid, because this is information about potential. Because no one really knows when the earthquake will occur. So keep your activities as usual but always be vigilant," he appealed.

On the other hand, Daniel asked the Government to increase the disaster evacuation simulation program on a regular basis. Such as in schools, offices, markets or places that are busy with community activities.

"The speed and accuracy in delivering information is very important so that people can immediately take steps to save themselves," said Daniel.

"The government needs to increase the simulation of evacuations and provide information on a regular basis regarding this megathrust earthquake. So that people can feel safer in carrying out their daily activities," he continued.

To ensure a quick and coordinated response, Daniel said the Government also needed to increase cooperation and synergy between related institutions. Starting from BMKG, BNPB, the Ministry of PUPR, and local governments.

"The availability of emergency logistics, such as food, clean water, medicines, and temporary shelters must be ensured to be sufficient and can be quickly distributed to areas that may be affected," explained Daniel.

Commission IV of the DPR which is also in charge of disaster management affairs has also asked the Government to increase training and counseling on natural disaster mitigation. In particular, said Daniel, for related parties because good coordination between institutions is very important so that responses to disasters can be carried out quickly and appropriately.

"Mitigation training is no less important to do. Tsunami modeling-based drills to each stakeholder, especially for relevant agencies and agencies in areas with the potential for a megathrust earthquake," he explained.

"And of course also to all elements and communities, including business and tourism actors, industries around the coast as well as critical infrastructure, such as ports and beach airports, as well as the community," said Daniel.

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