MEDAN - Medan Baru Police, Medan City, North Sumatra, provided assistance for a gas stove to Dian Pramono (28). Dian was previously caught trying to steal Saridin Purba's gas stove.

Dian Pramono, who has a wife with a birth defect with 3 children, tried to steal a gas stove on Saturday, March 20. The reason was that Dian Pramono could not afford to have a gas stove at home.

"So initially the perpetrator intended to take the victim's gas stove by entering the victim's house. However, the theft had not yet occurred because the perpetrator was caught by the victim, so the perpetrator was immediately secured and the victim contacted the Neighbourhood Chief (Kepling), which was then taken to the Medan Baru Police office," said the personnel picket of Integrated Police Service Central (SPKT) of Medan Baru Police, Second Police Inspector Adjutant Ezra Keliat, as quoted from the statement of Public Relations of Medan Police, Friday, March 26.

However, because the victim found the attempt to steal the gas stove, the perpetrator canceled the action. The victim agreed to forgive and not continue reporting to the police.

Meanwhile, the Head of Medan Baru Police, Police Commissioner Aris Wibowo, who felt sorry for Dian Pramono's intention to steal a gas stove, then ordered the Deputy Head of Medan Baru Police, Commissioner Adjutant Ully Lubis, accompanied by his ranks to provide assistance.

The Medan Baru police chief provided assistance for a gas stove and basic necessities in the form of a 10 kg gunny sack, 1 box of Indomie, 1 board of chicken eggs, 1 liter of cooking oil to Dian Pramono's family.

Didampingi Kepala lingkungan 12  Suratman, Wakapolsek Medan Baru AKP Ully Lubis menyampaikan nasihat agar tidak melakukan dan tidak mengulangi perbuatan yang tidak terpuji hanya karena desakan ekonomi.

Accompanied by the Head of Environment 12, Suratman, the Deputy Head of Medan Baru Police, Police Commissioner Adjutant Ully Lubis, gave advice not to commit and not repeat acts that are not commendable just because of economic pressure.

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