JAKARTA - The government officially bans Eid homecoming this year, just like the previous year. This was decided based on a coordination meeting between a number of ministries and agencies.

"In accordance with the president's direction and the decision of the ministerial coordination meeting, it is determined that in 2021 homecoming will be eliminated," said Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendi in a virtual press conference, Friday, March 26.

Muhadjir said the ban on going home applies to all State Civil Apparatus, National Army, National Police, employees of State-Owned Enterprises, private employees, independent workers, and also the entire community.

Then, this ban on homecoming will start from May 6 to May 17, 2021.

"On that day and date, people are advised not to carry out movements or activities outside the region, unless it is really urgent and necessary," said Muhadjir.

Previously, Transportation Minister, Budi Karya, said that his party had not issued a decision regarding this year's Eid homecoming permit. This is because the Ministry of Transportation must coordinate with other related parties who are also in charge of handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Whether or not homecoming is prohibited, it is not the authority of the Ministry of Transportation. But we will discuss with competent parties. Of course, the Task Force as the coordinator will provide one direction," said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya at a Working Meeting at Commission V of the House of Representative of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Tuesday, 16 March.

The Minister of Transportation said that his party needed the support of Commission V of the House of Representative regarding information about this year's homecoming. Regarding the mechanism and whether it is permissible or not, said Budi, it will be further coordinated.

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