Wild Monkey 'Terror' Society And Students In Agam West Sumatra: Entering The Girls' Dormitory, Bathroom And Chasing Women
Illustration (Unsplash)

JAKARTA - The West Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), through the Agam Resort, has managed to catch wild monkeys or Macaca nemesterina. The presence of wild monkeys has troubled residents and students of the Lubukbasung Bugenvil Plus Perbankan Vocational School.

"The wild monkey managed to enter the cage trap that we installed on Thursday afternoon. The monkey entered the cage about two hours after it was installed", said Ade Putra, Head of the Agam Natural Resources Conservation Resort.

The monkey was so aggressive when it was caught, it made the officers and residents who helped it difficult during the evacuation. The plan is for the monkey to be released into their habitat in the forest reserve.

"We will do this release soon if our health condition improves", he said.

Previously, the Agam Natural Resources Conservation Resort received information related to wildlife conflicts with humans from the Lubukbasung Bugenvil Plus Perbankan Vocational School.

Receiving this information, his party sent a team to identify the field and install cage traps. The supervisor of the OSIS SMK Plus Banking Bugenvil Lubukbasung, Ismi Fajar Mulianda said that the past month has always troubled school students.

"Before entering the cage trap, the monkey entered the school area", he said.

He added that the monkey entered the girls' dormitory, bathroom, school environment and chased a student Elvita Junita when she was about to go to the Fajr prayer.

"Elvita Junita immediately avoided the monkey and headed for the location of another friend", she said.

She said the monkey had appeared in the school environment every evening, night, and morning for the past month. But during the day, the monkey hid to another location and came out at around 17.00 WIB.

"All students are worried about the existence of the monkey, so I reported it to the West Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) through the Agam Resort", he said.

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