JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Hendry Ch Bangun, handed over the Cards and Charter of PWI Honorary Members to senior lawyer Prof. Dr. Otto Cornelis (OC) Kaligis, SH., M. Hum., LL.M. This event took place at the Press Council Building, Central Jakarta, Friday 16 August.

OC Kaligis, known as a persistent defender of the rights of journalists, expressed his happiness in receiving the award. "This is a historic moment for me as a lawyer who always works with journalists. Without them, the public will not know the truth," he said.

Throughout his career, OC Kaligis has often defended journalists who face legal cases. He is committed to continuing to support journalists. "I am very honored to be accepted as a member of PWI's honor and ready to help fellow journalists who need legal assistance," he added.

Hendry Ch Bangun emphasized that OC Kaligis has become part of the Legal Aid and Enforcement Consultant Institute (LKBPH) which plays an important role in resolving journalists' cases. "The Kaligis OC replaces the position of Inspector General of Police (Ret.) Anton Charliyan as Chairman of the LKBPH and will soon handle cases in North Sumatra that have not been resolved," explained Hendry.

Even though OC Kaligis had served a prison sentence, Hendry explained that the decision to give the title of PWI Honorary Member was the result of careful consideration. "We see this as a form of appreciation for his struggle against injustice," he said.

With OC Kaligis' experience and expertise, PWI hopes that the problems involving journalists in North Sumatra will be resolved soon.

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