NTB - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) found indications of alleged corruption in the implementation of the 2023 Lombok Motocross Competition. The event was injected with a budget from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy worth IDR 24 billion.

Spokesperson for the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Efrien Saputera, said the findings of these indications were based on the results of coordination with auditors.

"So, the indications of PMH (against the law) already exist," he said in Mataram, Friday, August 16, which was confiscated by Antara.

The auditor agency that helps the prosecutor's office trace indications of corruption is the NTB Inspectorate.

Now, the government's internal control apparatus (APIP) is calculating state financial losses through the audit team.

Inspector of the NTB Inspectorate Ibnu Salim previously submitted that the audit of the loss was a follow-up to a request from the NTB Prosecutor's Office.

"So, it was submitted to the inspectorate to look at the anatomy of the entire implementation of the Lombok Sumbawa Motocross Competition 2023 event. We from the inspectorate will conduct an audit regarding its implementation," said Ibnu.

The holding of the entire event, he explained, was related to the realization of the budget, starting from the planning stage, implementation mechanisms, the number of participants, to the disbursement of the budget.

Ibnu also said that the inspectorate had followed up on this audit request by forming a team. They will certainly coordinate with the prosecutor's office in tracing the loss rate.

"So, the team is automatically prepared if there is a delegation (the request for an audit of the NTB Prosecutor's Office). This audit team will later take a picture of what it will be like. So, we can't conclude now," he said.

Assistant for Special Crimes at the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Ely Rahmawati, has also said that the handling of cases that came from public reports is still ongoing at the investigation stage.

Several related parties have been questioned, including the Head of the NTB Tourism Office Jamaludin Malady and his staff, and the organizer of the activity.

Jamaludin Malady admitted that from the results of the implementation of the activity there was a remaining unused budget worth Rp. 2.5 billion and had been returned to the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as the government's aid provider.

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