West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Raden Umar Faroq went directly to the location of the riot in the gold mining area of Sekotong, West Lombok Regency. "The NTB Police Chief has gone to the location," said West Lombok Police Chief AKBP I Komang Sarjana through his statement, Monday, August 12, which was confiscated by Antara. From the results of the field, Komang emphasized that his party had deployed security personnel at the riot location. "It's been (security) since yesterday," he said.
Therefore, Komang emphasized that the current situation at the location of the riot was safe and conducive. Regarding the camp of the burning residents and the role of the perpetrator of the arson, Komang has not yet conveyed. He only confirmed that this is still in the process of being investigated by the criminal investigation team (reskrim). However, from the results of checking the location of the riot that occurred on Saturday, August 10, it was recorded that there was one camp area or temporary residence belonging to the miners that was burned down. "No heavy equipment was burned," he said.

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