JAKARTA The candidate for the South Sorong Regent for the period 2024-2029, Alfius Way, launched an ambitious program called "South Sorong Smart" in the 2024 Pilkada campaign. This program aims to create a better educational environment and improve the quality of life of the community, in line with the Master Plan for the Acceleration of Development of Papua (UU 24/2023) and the theme Papua Development in the Papua Region: Healthy Papua, Smart Papua, and Productive Papua

Alfius Way stressed the importance of education throughout the day and is committed to continuing and evaluating this program to ensure more effective, efficient, and quality action plans. He focuses on improving the quality of education through teacher training, providing adequate teaching materials, and implementing innovative learning methods.

"Equal distribution of access to education is a priority by expanding the reach to all 13 districts, especially coastal districts such as Kokoda, North Kokoda, Kais, Metetani, and Innovatan," said Alfius, who is aiming for support from the Golkar Party.

In an effort to support education, Alfius Way will also launch a scholarship program for outstanding Papuan children and those from families with economic limitations. This program also includes skills and vocational education relevant to local and regional job market needs.

Alfius Way realizes the importance of community participation in the policy process and is committed to involving them in the preparation of education policies. Improvement of educational facilities and infrastructure, including laboratories, libraries, and information technology, is also part of this program.

Strict monitoring and evaluation will be implemented to ensure that education programs run effectively and have a positive impact on the community. In addition, Alfius Way will provide incentives and welfare to teachers in remote and outermost areas and support free food policies for students in accordance with central government policies.

"This program also includes cooperation with universities to ensure that the Smart Papua program runs according to regional needs," he said.

Alfius Way is committed to aligning regional planning documents, strengthening the capacity of ASN, drafting regional regulations, and evaluating regional policies. The synergy of funding between the center and the regions as well as the use of information and technology technology in supporting development and governance will also be an integral part of this plan.

With the "South Sorong Smart" program, Alfius Way hopes to improve the quality of education and people's lives in South Sorong, making this area an example of success towards Indonesia Gold 2045.

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