PALEMBANG - The perpetrators of forced twins in Banyuasin are threatened with 20 years in prison. The perpetrator with the initials SNS was arrested in mid-May 2024.
Wadirreskrimum South Sumatra Police AKBP Indra Arya Yudha said SNS was the father of the victim. SNS's barbaric action took place since the victim was nine years old.
Now, continued Indra, the victim has been in college or has been going on for 12 years.
Perpetrators often carry out their actions in the garden and at home when his wife is not at home. The perpetrator also threatened the victim with a sharp weapon to want to obey his lecherous desires.
The Head of Sub-Directorate IV of the South Sumatra Police, AKBP Raswidiati, explained that the case was successfully revealed when there was a commotion in the house. Then the suspect wanted to commit domestic violence to his wife.
SNS was charged with Article 81 paragraphs 1 and 3 in conjunction with Article 76 letter D regarding child protection and sexual intercourse with a government subsidiary in lieu of Law number 17 of 2016 with a penalty of 15 years in prison.
Apart from being charged with child protection laws, the suspect was also charged with the crime of sexual violence Number 12 of 2022. Now for his actions, SNS is threatened with a maximum sentence of 20 years and a third of the threat of article 81 because the action was carried out by the guardian's parents or family.
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