JAKARTA - The case of AK (1)'s death, which was slammed by his biological mother in Srengseng, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, is still being debated. The victim's family had said that the Tugu Ibu Hospital, Depok City had refused AK, and even asked for millions of fees because BPJS was constrained.

Representative of Tugu Hospital, Mrs. Depok, who did not want to be named, explained that his party did not reject AK. As a hospital that receives BPJS, the Tugu Ibu Depok Hospital still refers to regulations or requirements before taking action. He also said that the victims of the persecution were not borne by BPJS.

"There are 21 incidents that are not borne by BPJS. The Presidential Regulation regarding BPJS. One of them is because the persecution is not borne by BPJS. We follow the rules," he said.

"The decision to take action based on BPJS Health regulations has been regulated in Article 52 of Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2018 concerning Health Insurance." Sources said when met by VOI at Tugu Ibu Depok Hospital, Thursday afternoon, August 8.

"We follow the rules. It has been regulated by the government of legislation. We follow the government's mandate," he said.

In the conversation, the hospital actually asked the victim's family to be held accountable, which stated that there was a refusal from the hospital. He even asked the victim's family to show the victim's death certificate if it was true from the Depok Mother Monument.

In previous reports, AK's toddler, who died because she was slammed by her biological mother in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, was hampered by the management of the Health Social Security Administration (BPJS).

Andrea, a member of the victim's family, explained that AK when he was taken to the ER was rejected by the hospital, because BPJS did not apply.

"In the emergency room, there is no action," said Andrea, when met at his home in the Jagakarsa area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, August 6.

"It turned out that last night until yesterday was not dealt with. The reason was that BPJS did not apply because of violence. In fact, 20 million was asked for money, after 20 million money was only dealt with," he said.

On that basis, the family is looking for tens of millions of rupiah so that AK's toddler can be saved. But unfortunately, the child's life could not be saved. Toddler AK died on Monday, August 5.

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