The team of doctors who are members of the Indonesian Forensic and Illegal Doctors Association (PDFMI) collected 19 samples from the body of Afif Maulana (13), a student from Padang City for the purpose of a re-autopsy.

"Currently we have collected 19 samples for the purpose of a re-autopsy," said PDFMI Team Leader Ade Firmansyah Sugiharto as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 8.

Ade detailed that the 19 samples consisted of three hard tissue samples in the form of bones and 16 soft tissue samples. All of these samples will be further processed at the FKUI RSCM, Puslabfor Police Headquarters, and Airlangga University Forensic Laboratory.

Given the decomposed condition of the sample, Ade said that the autopsy and announcement of the results will take the next four to five weeks. Therefore, PDFMI asks the public, especially the families of the victims, to be patient.

"The gathering of Indonesian Forensic and Illegal Doctors is committed to resolving this case and investigating Afif Maulana's death so that it becomes clear," he said.

He emphasized that his party had not seen the results of the first autopsy of Afif Maulana's body.

However, PDFMI seeks to answer public questions related to how the mechanism for the wound on the victim's body causes death.

"This is what we will examine forensicly and thoroughly," he said.

To strengthen forensic examination, his party will directly inspect the location of the discovery of the body, including documents containing witness statements who saw what happened to Afif Maulana.

This is needed to be analyzed in depth so that the forensic team can get comprehensive data on how the wound mechanism occurs in the victim's body which leads to death.

Meanwhile, the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) of the Republic of Indonesia anticipates and reminds related parties not to manipulate the results of the exhumation of Afif Maulana's body (13) who was allegedly abused to death by police officers.

"If, for example, the results of manipulation are carried out by the National Police, we will oversee and ask for justice for the perpetrators who are suspected of torture Afif Maulana," said Komnas HAM member Hari Kurniawan.

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