SUMSEL - The South Sumatra Regional Police (Polda) carried out P21 or transferred four suspects and evidence in the alleged corruption case of connecting the Palembang City gas network for the 2019-2020 budget year worth IDR 22.5 billion.

The four are AN as President Director of PT SP2J, AAR Director of Operations of PT SP2J, ST Director of Finance of PT SP2J, and R President Director of PT SP2J. "Until now, we are still focused and in the stage we are still waiting from the court and we have collected all the witnesses and we ask them to jointly oversee this case," said Panit 3 Sub-Directorate III of the South Sumatra Police Iptu Ryan Tiantoro Putra in Palembang, Wednesday, August 7, confiscated by Antara. According to him, after his party transferred the case, it would be taken over by the prosecutor to make his detention. He said that during the process of the report, his party did not detain the four suspects because of several considerations submitted by each legal representative. "We conducted an analysis and did not detain the suspect because there were more than 70 years of age and others who were already six years old, and also had a history of illness. However, we are still doing the right process," he said.

Ia menambahkan adapun modus operandi yang dilakukan oleh empat tersangka dalam kasus dugaan korupsi tersebut ialah mark up dalam pengadaan material pipa dan pemotongan upah pekerjaan manual pipa dengan total Rp1,8 miliar.Selain mark up pengadaan material, pemotongan upah pekerjaan manual pipa boring dan pekerjaan penyambungan pipa serta fee pembelian pipa dan aksesoris fitting dengan total Rp 1,8 miliar.Polisi juga menyita 83 barang bukti yang disita ke Kejaksaan bersama tersangka diantaranya, sejumlah dokumen anggaran, dokumen kegiatan, print out rekening koran, fitting pipa yang digunakan untuk penyambungan jaringan instalasi pipa gas, serta uang tunai Rp49,5 juta.Kini empat tersangka tersebut dijerat Pasal 2 ayat 1 dan atau pasal 3 Jo Pasal 18 UU nomor 31 tahun 1999 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi.

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